Meshi Chitrit Berman (MCB) ™ Law Complaints Procedure

Effective Date: December 16, 2023


MCB Law (the “Firm”) is committed to providing high-quality legal services. The Firm understands that concerns or complaints may arise, and the Firm values the opportunity to address and resolve them promptly. This Complaints Procedure outlines the steps to follow when you have a complaint.

How to Raise a Complaint

If you have a complaint, please follow these steps:
Contact The Firm Directly: In the first instance, please contact the Firm directly to discuss your concern. You can reach the Firm via or 323-609-8992.
Provide Details: Clearly outline the nature of your complaint, providing as much detail as possible. This will help the Firm understand the issue and work towards a resolution.
Response Time: The Firm aims to acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days and provide a substantive response within 14 business days. If additional time is needed, the Firm will inform you of the delay and the expected resolution timeline.

How to Raise a Complaint

If you have a complaint, please follow these steps:
Contact The Firm Directly: In the first instance, please contact the Firm directly to discuss your concern. You can reach the Firm via or 323-609-8992.
Provide Details: Clearly outline the nature of your complaint, providing as much detail as possible. This will help the Firm understand the issue and work towards a resolution.
Response Time: The Firm aims to acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days and provide a substantive response within 14 business days. If additional time is needed, the Firm will inform you of the delay and the expected resolution timeline.


If you are not satisfied with the response provided, you may escalate the matter:
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): If resolution is not achieved through internal processes, you may consider alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or arbitration.

State Bar of California

If you remain dissatisfied after exhausting our internal complaints procedure, you have the right to contact the State Bar.
State Bar: 800-843-9053 (in California) or 213-765-1200 (outside California)


The Firm and Meshi Chitrit, Esq. value client feedback and view it as an opportunity for improvement. Your experiences helps us enhance our services, and we appreciate your input.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this Complaints Procedure, please contact Meshi Chitrit, Esq. directly at

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